Fill Up Your Tank

Dear Momma,

This is a friendly reminder to take time to fill up your tank.  

Today, I noticed that my tank of gas was half full.  Seeing this brings me instantly (and very vividly) to my mother.  I can hear her saying, “you better not let that gas tank get below half a tank girl”.  My response typically sounded like, “ok mom”, “I know, mom”, “I got it mom”, kind of disregarding the wisdom she was giving me with my “I already know this” kind of attitude and response.

If I’m going to be honest, there have been too many times to count that I let my gas get below half a tank.  Once, I actually ran out of gas.  I was leaving work one day.  Hopped in the car.  Hadn’t even given gas a thought (in days obviously) to the point I had no gas in my tank.  I began driving.  Heard the inevitable ‘ding ding ding’, but this time that sound rang differently.  At that moment, I then decided to go get some gas. (Great timing, Kassie!)  On the way to get the gas, the car stopped on me.  Praise the Lord, the School Resource Officer who worked in my building drove up behind me, turned his lights on, and assisted me with getting some gas.  Along with the gas I purchased, came a little dose of embarrassment and humility for free.

Why was it so difficult to take ten minutes out of my day once a week to fill up my tank?

Why was there such resistance for the very thing that would literally get me to where I needed to go?

I learned that having gas in the tank (and at least half a tank of gas, thank you mom), isn’t just about “having gas”. 

It’s about safety, preparation, and the ability to bless others. It’s also about living in the blessings given to me without worry or fear. 

What if there was a wreck or a traffic jam that kept us on the interstate for hours? What if construction forced us to go a completely different direction, adding miles and time? What if, what if, what if? Being prepared means I don’t have to spend time focusing on my gas tank situation, rather, I can spend it actively living and participating in the blessings.

I learned that I’m blessed to have a constant voice reminding me to keep gas in my car, to literally keep my car alive and running. I’m reminded of His still voice constantly connecting with me everyday, to stay connected to Him-the living One who gives me life and breath. I’m reminded that I’ll miss some beautiful moments and trips along the way if my tank isn’t filled and I continue to follow my plan, agenda and roadmap.

When my eyes were so focused on the things I “had to do” and the places I had to get, I wasn’t thinking about my gas tank.  I wasn’t thinking about anything else other than the things that needed to “get done”.  My focus was so locked in on getting through the day, there wasn’t any room in my brain to think about anything else. My thoughts wouldn’t even allow me to think beyond me and my agenda.  The things I “had to do” became the priority and the basic habit of keeping gas in my car, the literal thing that would keep my car running, was something I didn’t even give thought to until I needed to.  There wasn’t any room to dream big or live to see what was beyond the making it through mentality.

I’ve procrastinated so much that I knew how far my gas tank could get towards empty before I needed to fill it up. That’s bad, ladies!  I got stuck on the side of the road because I didn’t take the time to fill up my tank. In fact, I planned more for how NOT to fill up my tank. (So embarrassing to admit, y’all!). Gas is the literal thing that makes my car run.

But, does this sound familiar?

Maybe you’ve never cut it so close that your car literally ran out of gas and maybe you don’t know how far your car can go until it hits its limits.  But, perhaps you have gotten in the habit of going, going, going and you are about to stop because you are not filling up on the very thing that gives you life.  Maybe you have so much that needs to get done, that there’s no room in your brain, your heart or your list for the day to give to HIM, the very ONE that gives us life.

Sister, if this is you, just like it has been me time and time again, STOP.

Fill up your tank.  Sit with Him.  Lean into Him.  And you will be more prepared for what comes your way.

When we are prepared, that means God can use us in a way that wouldn’t have otherwise happened, if we weren’t prepared. 

Being prepared means we’re ready for the things we can’t even see yet, that He has planned.

So, momma, make sure you’re filling up your cup each week. Make sure you’re taking time for and with Him. You never know how this will change the ride of your entire life.

And mom, now that I have girls of my own, I rarely let my gas tank get below half and I tell my girls the same.

Take care of yourself momma and take care of those beautiful girls,



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